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The perfect combination of innovation, versatility and simplicity.

Compact and economical, the Vantra™ IM offers the flexibility to setup, load and close cartons and trays on a single platform at speeds up to 55 per minute. For maximum versatility, the Vantra™ intermittent motion cartoner easily integrates with various infeed options to gently and accurately handle many product types, including applications requiring multiple manipulations. Vantra™ IM from Douglas. Simply, perfect.
Unit of Measure



N/A Douglas Vantra™ IM


N/A Up to 55 Cartons/Trays Per Minute

Standard Pitch

N/A 11.25 in

Minimum Standard Tray Size

N/A 2 x 1 x 4 in50.80 x 25.40 x 101.60 mm

Maximum Standard Tray Size

N/A 9.19 x 2.00 x 12.00 in233.43 x 50.80 x 304.80 mm

Carton Dimensions

Direction of Travel (Standard)

N/A 2 to 9.25 in50.80 to 234.95 mm

Vertical (Standard)

N/A 1 to 7.50 in25.40 to 190.50 mm

Across Machine (Standard)

N/A 4 to 12.00 in101.60 to 304.80 mm



N/A Specification limits may not be available in all combinations and are subject to change without notice.



N/A Intermittent Motion Platform Provides Versatility & Value

The Vantra™ IM cartoner/tray packer provides a highly versatile single platform solution designed with a hygienic sheet metal frame and standoff bearing mounts.
  • Tray and carton capability on a single platform
  • Compact and economical
  • Various infeed styles offer application and product handling flexibility
  • Ergonomic, walk-in design provides easy access
  • Extensive carton range capability
  • Glue seal for POL, FOL and RSC-flap style cartons
  • Tuck closure for standard or reverse style cartons
Application and Product Handling Flexibility

Simply Versatile

The Vantra™ IM is easily integrated with multiple infeed types to handle cans, bottles, cups, bags, flow-wrapped product and more.
  • Cross push loading for single or multiple lane products, utilizing a pressure release surge for a clean product release
  • Positive place conveyor (PPC) for form-filled sealed bags and pouches
  • Vane collation of flow-wrapped products, bags and pouches with loading into single or multiple infeed buckets
  • Pick and place for product collation in buckets or at the load station
  • Drop gates for multiple stick packs, meat snacks and more
  • Robotics for products received in mass or requiring manipulation prior to collation or loading